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Guest Blog: April Decton

Writer: ChristinaSinisi-AuthorChristinaSinisi-Author

Welcome to April--another new friend from Blue Ridge Reader Connections. Thank you for joining us!

Hi! My name is April Decton. I’ve lived all my life in east/central Indiana. I’m a mother to two daughters and their husbands. I have eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. I’m generally a happy person and anyone that’s around me for very long recognizes my encouraging spirit. I love to travel. Hawaii holds a soft spot in my heart. I love to read. I write reviews for all the books I read, BUT I never had the burning desire to write a story. That changed this year.

Tell us about your book?

Almost five years ago, I heard a secular song for the hundredth time. But that time, I knew there was more to the story. I even tried to get another author to write the story, but I know now, it was mine to write. In two months, I wrote my first novella, a sweet contemporary romance with an element of faith; This is Us, released May 12, 2022. Cliché best described them. They were the typical couple.

Together since eighth grade. High school sweethearts.

He asked her to marry him. She said yes. Two I do’s and a happy ever after. Until it wasn’t. Betrayal. Unimaginable hurt. Can they find their way back to each other?

Is forgiving and forgetting really possible?

I’m a chronological person, but that’s not how This is Us was written. I wrote the prologue, the epilogue and then a pivotal chapter first, then filled in as scenes came to me. When I wrote the extended epilogue, I gasped and realized that it left room for a second story. Before This is Us was finished, I already had an outline and a title in my head. Tragedy Found Us released July 21, 2022.

I grew up in the foster care system. Gave ten years of service to my country. Wandered the country finding work, until I found an awesome job with great opportunities. I finally found a place to grow roots. But then tragedy struck.

I grew up in a home full of love, where my sister was my best friend. I received a college education and landed my dream job upon graduation. I was on the verge of house hunting. But then tragedy struck.

Over eleven hundred miles separated us when tragedy found us. Is it possible for us to each find the healing that we need?

My editor and proofreader both begged me for what they thought should be the second story. I hope to have The Rest of Us, published by end of October or early November (2022).

Ask the blog reader a quirky question or two?

Something that people find surprising about me, is that I love racing! My parents spent a lot of time at a race track. Back then you didn’t leave your child with grandma or a babysitter. So as an infant, I slept on the bench between them. I tell people that I have racing rubber in my blood. I enjoy NASCAR and Indy track racing. I even enjoy going to a drag strip not far from my home when they feature a semi with a jet engine in it.

Share your social media and buy links:

I am still new at writing and all that entails, boy is there a lot of behind-the-scenes things to take care of! I communicate with my readers by Facebook and email. Facebook:

Prize: Reader’s choice...

A signed copy of: This is Us -or- an eBook copy of both This is Us & Tragedy Found Us. But please, only in the US.

Thank you for including me on your blog!

Thank you for joining us!!



Nov 07, 2022

I've enjoyed your books, April. Don't include me in the drawing since I have your books.

Nov 07, 2022
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Thank you! I so appreciate your support of my writing!


Nov 07, 2022

We used to go to Nascar races and watch it on TV, but I find that it was never the same after a certain driver was killed.

Your book sounds good.

Nov 07, 2022
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So sorry--I felt the same way about the NFL after Joe Theisman was injured. I know he recovered, but I was terrified of seeing someone else hurt.


Nov 06, 2022

Something people would surprise them to know about me is I met Maya Angelou and because of her I started writing for fun.

I hope I Win would love that signed print book

Nov 07, 2022
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How cool! I love meeting my author heroes.


Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Nov 06, 2022

Thank You for sharing The book sounds amazing! Blessings to you!

Nov 13, 2022
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Sarah, you're our winner! Please email me at to claim your prize. :)


Debra Pruss
Debra Pruss
Nov 06, 2022

Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

Nov 07, 2022
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Bless you as well.



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